Projects - Sustainable Business Plans & Plastic Credits - Plastic Collective

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We work with projects to develop sustainable business plans, including registration to generate and sell plastic credits, financial planning and modelling, development of facilities and equipment, installation of digital tracking systems and implementation of operational and training programs.


WORLD BANK / FEATURE STORY: Tackling the Plastics Pollution Crisis by
Channeling Private Capital to Projects that Reduce Plastic Waste.

Certification to sell plastic credits

We work with projects to become compliant and registered to generate and sell plastic credits under the Verra Plastic Waste Reduction Standard and other similar standards.  We also support projects with ongoing services including monitoring, reporting and credit issuance, plus credit sales with brands.

Developing facilities and processing lines

We work with projects to develop their infrastructure, facilities and equipment, including PC’s proprietary containerised Shruder Recycling Station, which can be relocated as needed. 

Delivering operational training

We work with projects to develop operational processes and procedures, which are supported by structured training programs.


Delivering educational programs

We work with projects to develop and implement community and school education program around subjects of plastic recycling, polymer science and manufacturing process.


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