Plastic Recycling & Plastic Neutral Blog - Page 7 of 12 - Plastic Collective

PC Blog Post

Plastic Collectives Blog shares more on becoming Plastic Neutral and how plastic credits work, plus other plastic topics.

What Does Plastic Net Zero Mean?

What Does Plastic Net Zero Mean?

Keeping up with the ever-growing green glossary As a CSR professional or a responsible consumer, it’s difficult and even frustrating to keep up with the green glossary of sustainability jargon. In the plastic space, it is no different. We are bombarded by terms like:...

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History of Plastic Production

History of Plastic Production

History of Plastic Production: How Long has Plastic Pollution been a Problem? Scientists studying plankton first noticed plastic pollution in the ocean in the early 1930’s. This was regarded as the first recorded incident of plastic pollution. The scientists were...

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