Plastic Recycling & Plastic Neutral Blog - Page 12 of 12 - Plastic Collective

PC Blog Post

Plastic Collectives Blog shares more on becoming Plastic Neutral and how plastic credits work, plus other plastic topics.

The New Plastics Economy

The New Plastics Economy

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” ~ Albert Einstein The Circular Economy Model – Is it the Answer to the Plastic Crisis? Understanding plastics is fundamental to creating sustainable solutions for the plastic crisis...

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Bioplastic – A Better Choice?

Bioplastic – A Better Choice?

“There is no such thing as “AWAY”. When we throw anything away it must go somewhere.” ~ Annie Leonard  The Complicated Truth of Bioplastic – Are They a Better Choice? The words ‘bioplastic’, ‘biodegradable’ and ‘compostable’ are often used synonymously with very...

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What on Earth is Plastic?

What on Earth is Plastic?

“From packaging materials, through fibers, foams and surface coatings, to continuous extrusions and large-scale moldings, plastics have transformed almost every aspect of life. Without them, much of modern medicine would be impossible and the consumer electronics and...

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