Plastic Recycling & Plastic Neutral Blog - Page 11 of 12 - Plastic Collective

PC Blog Post

Plastic Collectives Blog shares more on becoming Plastic Neutral and how plastic credits work, plus other plastic topics.

When Plastic Credits Really Work

When Plastic Credits Really Work

PC Blog Post What is a Plastic Credit? Plastic Credits are just like Carbon Credits. They are sold to a company that wants to be Plastic Neutral and is unable to completely reduce their plastic usage to zero. A company buys a volume Plastic Credits in kilograms equal...

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Shruder MkII

Shruder MkII

THE SHRUDER (™) (pronounced ‘Shroo-der’) designed by Louise Hardman and manufactured in Coffs Harbour, Australia was adapted from Dave Hakken’s Precious Plastic modular machines in 2016. Two machines – a shredder and extruder are integrated into one...

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Unwanted Gifts

Unwanted Gifts

“It’s not how much we give but how much love we put into giving.” ~ Mother Teresa Unwanted Gifts – Waste Not, Want Not Check these numbers out. Last year in the US, an estimated $13 billion was wasted on unwanted gifts over the holidays. In the UK £700...

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